A Guest Blog from Exceptional Solutions: Festive Fun and Firing



No doubt by now the Christmas Party is planned, the shopping for the outfits is a hot office topic and Susie and John are second guessing who may be first to light the fire of the bubbling office romance. It’s text book to expect a few bits of gossip to fall out of your company festive celebrations, but a few wrong moves and employers can find themselves feeling more heat than from a freshly lit Christmas Pudding.

From our (vast) experience in prevention over cure around all things HR, the team at Exceptional Solutions share the festive gift of best practice to help avoid grievances, tribunals and dismissals. If you are on countdown to potentially the main company celebration of the year, it may be worth considering a few tips:

Limit the free bar with raffle ticket tokens (2 or 3 drinks per person); send out a notice before any celebrations reiterating acceptable (and perhaps) unacceptable behaviours; book taxis where appropriate; have key members keeping an eye out and being responsible should things get a little too merry; hold events on a Friday or have a reasonable end time if in the week (to avoid the hangover waste day!); define a dress code and, perhaps most importantly, beware of the pre-pre-drinks.

Have fun, embrace the personalities you employ and celebrate one of the most enjoyable times of the year but remember your responsibilities as a business owner.

If you have any doubts or you require support or (after event!) guidance call the Exceptional Solutions team on 01625 402118 or go to www.exceptional-solutions.com

Castletons Accountants

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